Thursday 21 May 2015

A relationship that time could not break

A stranger who comes for gain ,leaves
A stranger who comes for gain and to give ,leaves
A stranger who comes to give ,lasts forever
Relationship that time could not break

Monday 11 May 2015

You can not take wild from animal

A folk story
A wood cutter brought a innocent tiny beer pulp from forest as the baby was crying helplessly after the mother shot dead by jungle mafia.Baby bear grew .Most of the neighbor suggested to leave the beast in forest.The bear lover could not see any reason why he should do it?One day,he suddenly woke up from a nice nap with severe pain in face.He was bleeding profusely from nose ,The watchful wife nearby reasoned:to kill a fly, sitting on your nose ,your lover has just plucked your nose.It is high time to give him up.Owner ,very much convinced the nightmare and conveyed the neighbors "You can take animal from wild but you can not take wild from animal"