Friday 19 December 2014

Trespasser’ stretch

                                Trespasser’ stretch

“Kamala, the Lady Beggar? She is strong, young and hard working. A familiar face. It is 10
years now. She has grown in her age but not the baby on her chest, is still only 7 months. She
changes baby on her chest like seat number in bus .Her hand stretches to next stranger before
its fills or not. She walks on two legs, one is poverty and other is a dead moral. Absolutely no
attachment .Just like bus conductors move from one to another passenger, she moves.
Begging is a profession! Hopes, rehabilitation or rescue home for many like tent house for
refugee. Neither law has ban nor public heartily oppose. Time and tide do not wait. They are
having today. Who does know they would in shoe of beggar shoe? Religion do believe in
lives are alike. But constitution and its order stratify life into rich and poor. Poor is sometime
assured but frequently not assured right to life.It is sacred in some religion. So much so, they believe donate till you have nothing .Hindu
epic Ramayana amuses .The king of Lanka eluded and stole Sita, wife Lord Rama , in the
costume of beggar .Therefore so many hate beggar .Neither you nor I would really identify
who is beggar and who is in its shoe. Some true in heart. They return to home earlier. Cannot
hide emotion. Who offer to the right one, are liberated .If not, drop in hell in this life and
later. It’s a double edged sword. It is religious way to beg but certain parts of world. All that
glitter is not gold. Many are sick of mind. They disguise in beggar’s apron to live. It
disfigure a sovereign. It fills stomach and kills brain.
Always you cannot escape .Reciprocate either with empathy or sympathy then move.
It is mere maladjustment need and mind. Issue is complex .Nobody gauge dignity in good
time. Crisis destabilises human value to eccentricity of beggary and outrage of moral. Whom
to blame? Have and have not have different openion.Defination changes across line of
control. Behaviour is ancient but not earlier to homo sapience. Some animal do steal in
crisis but none stretches hand .All animals do have right and left hand.
Professional beggars have organizations .Thrives on cuts.Everybody born as beggar .We lean on others quite often before birth to funeral and beyond
to maintain statue if any installed. That’s ok.Thats not wrong? But many do not grow out of
it.Sometime everything is the darkest of dark. All the door are closure but the door beg and
escape. Imagine you lost your purse or vanity! It happens to all.
It is war of emotion between donor and recipient. Donate and fill happy. We feel. We teach
our children in generation to next. Beggar also add to our emotion .Brilliant smile, eludes and
amuse donor shortly. People who do not drop coin, cannot see uneasiness on the face of
beggar because beggars’ discomfort dissipates before reaching to the muscles of facial and
social expression. It is also not legible to all who passed by. A few do look back and a few
have time. There is no time to bargain .Why to waste time? Why after all? So many people
and so many lanes. Globalization disperses me but do not exhausts. Either beggar’s stretched
hand, its melancholic songs or both peeps through windows of the car like trespasser’s
stretch, haunts and hurts passengers at traffic nodes. These perfectionists snuggly fits and
squeeze in between crawling motors .The gate and stance is stereotyped, traditional and well
acquired and innovated. True one really bursts into tear in no time. Go on imagining, you
would feel.
Constitution and civilisation puts the problem in tortoise shoe. No territory is immune
because poverty and moral outrage are contributory. It is there to office public place.
Begging does not need costumes. We are all born as beggar. Some by birth, some in crisis
and some in disguise to deceive. Sadam Hussain’s 40 years stretch in Iraq or Congress
government’s 3 decade In India at stretch India could not short cut in the size. Political
parties came in two third majority or multiple parties in combo, reigned, and celebrated
hatrick but not ruined poverty or its immediate effect, begging.NGOs are awarded. The
endurance of arm muscle connected to stretch hand stood the test. Tribal to civilization. A
natural instinct .A blue print in Homo sapience gene. Knock down incorrigible.You walked
away, so also me.Some dropped one, some dropped two coins. Some stood. Some asked a
few funny queries but no follow up. Sympathy and empathy were not longitudinal. Those
who dared, succumbed to quantity and complexity.
The problem is not a duplicated graft or clone. It is from seed .The seed is religious, crisis.
Human resource is counted in number not in quality, especially not moral is not built up in
school .So often, there is no school.
Jail gate opens. War ends .Door to hell opens. None bothers about relived because she or he
already relieved. No rehabilitation. What glory attached leaving jail or living outside jail.
Who counts pregnancy of sexual violence in war? The hero of the art movie in Hindi “Do
ankhe bar hath” was an ideal jailer, succumbed to social resistance but left a legendary
message forever “rehabilitated before relieve”. Alas! That message remain locked in
entertainment magnetic tape.
Tax is universal and for everything, on income and every expenditure. Money from alcohol
and cigars! Is money that matter always? I don’t feel. Ubiquitous to naked eye in developing
nation. What happened to them who left the school for one or other reasons? We do have
census but who keeps dropout within school campus. How does slum habitants eat? Supine or
pronated hand!
Government efforts and accounts its shape to zero! Population control. Strict immigration
rule. Rehabilitation after of natural calamity. Some remuneration to victims or their relation
.There is a mismatch. The efforts try to shape to zero but the inherent nature of the problems
sleeps in web of the salaried authorities.
Inputs are numerous. Outside the marriage custody and social torture, they come from?
Where do they live? In slums, under tree or foot path? I searched .I found them diffuse in the
dark of night same building and houses. I could not clearly distinguished .Then I got mesh up
in dictionary of poor, poverty, beggar and begging. True and malingers.
It is dawn.Globilisation is embraced poor and rich. No more people are restricted by cast and
creed. We do not find a person to work as a servant but we do see some beggars. Why? What
is the cause? Does all the efforts of constitution implemented but failed.
Disease is same is decease in species other than human. Nature immediately opens the death
gate for injured animals .There is no living under mercy in animals in morbid condition
.Human escapes this tragedy. The outlets are few but there are. Constitutional efforts is
measured meagure.That challenged one cannot but beg.
Spiritualism is love ever and hurt never. Corruption is the path of least resistance to hell. But
immediate gratification is ensured. Law and corruption always opposite but that does not
stamped begging as an offence. Does it mean there is a secrete understanding between Justice
and constitution. Politicians makes law but enforcement is not there role.
Nuclear family does support grandparents .Wife gets husbands property and son gets from
father. But does in any law children pay parents. Of course, no.
Literatures suffers most in modern syllabus. Mother tongue suffers most. Morals is the very
content of literature.Heritage suffers transition to next generation Study is about science and
Retirement blesses pension .What about common when becomes old, thrown out family.
Pre family planning family era is still worse. Short of food. No education. The stomach and
other organs grow as children grow. Migrate or run over LOC .No relation and no shelters. A
size of finger count thrives but rest of them follow the exit of disease, decease or begging.
Many children never seen mother like pulps do not recognize father. Many examples! Some
NGOS rescue but problems spill to street.
Raped but not killed, discovered in foot path with half mind or school of prostitution.
Everyone busy for family, none for society. Its duty of government.
Of course with rise of female literacy, the number of female servant has reduced to the extent
of naked eye vision. Female gender and proverty.I when mixed, a vulnerable situation stems,
that spoil the female .The remnant of the issue is mental and physical rehearsal for begging .It
is bit a complex scenario.
Seasonal beggar? Harvesting is over. No works. Hunger does not compromise?
Nobody is really satisfied, rich or poor. To beg, it is not necessary to go foot path .Vigilance
is eluded.
“Cut jungle, make city” .Give job to some, give begging costumes to others. Natural
resource is not inexhaustible .Industry switches of .unskilled or semiskilled suffers .Some of
them rescued in local begging association.
The plots are not at reach because builders always win in auctions. Corporation impose strict
rule in public place. Where do then beggars hide him and luggage. Answer is beggar has
home ,he walks to death.The paradox is a criminal relieved from jail called beggar. Nobody accept him. Its haunts me.Remuneration for funeral not for rehabilitation of family. The decease goes to burial, children re left in road.Law is everywhere, so also beggars. What a positive correlation!
Competitions innovates and should be restricted there. Every constitution should believe in
right to life. Prime minister should not shoot at poor .Low cast and poor colour are curse.
Binary effect of nuclear family. Love child and hate parents. The president of your country
won’t care because his parents cannot live in parliament.
It is comedy show! Yes. Legless have leg! Blind has 6/6 vision both eyes! Popular joke – do
not drop coin, it disturbs”. “Plus 10 rupees, I am graduate”.
“Rape in war: how a US law prevents aid for safe abortions” is a big concern. Because
children burn out of sexual violence are fuel for begging or brothel house.
Dignity talks in full stomach, difficult to practice in poverty. Life flows as a leaf in water
.The swirls of do not keep with science or conscience. The dream and reality are fused.
Reality and result are far away from acceptability. Mind hunts for escalator. The responded
doors are to migration, prostitution, dropout and sexual violence. So on .Comfort is never is
free. It is very much either species, homo sapience or other.
Night spreads. Hunger does slip from bed or have no bed. Time to bargain .Time to earn.
Antisocial are satisfied .Some injecting blood and others bath in blood. It is 5 A.M but not
dawn for all. Some are crushed to death others cursed for life. A teen is pregnant .A new
beggar statue is installed. It happens to poor and its begging child.
Politicians and public both have feels it would wither itself. It is complex .it would take time.
Planning commission is in work .The ban may improve in feigning .Truth would commit
Between 2014 and 2050 the world population will increase from about 7·2 to 9·6 billion
inhabitants, so also would be the size of poor and its begging children.
It is a true story of my part of land. I would love to hear more about yours.I feel your country
must have beggars! Because beggar does not always mean financially challenged but a
collapse in character. The story of beggar who strides across the globe as cosmopolitan, on
two legs, one poverty and other is sick mentality. The exact response to stretched hand is
universal handshake .Fiddling of fingers in own purse does not solve. Before you sort out the
coin, beggar slips to next stranger. The problem of beggar and begging continue. In beggar’
uniform we would not enjoy. The hybrid effort. Constitution would improve economy
.People could oath for building character .

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