Friday 16 October 2015

The solubility of potassium chloride at 20 degree celsius is 34.7g in 100g of water

The solubility of potassium chloride at 20 degree celsius is 34.7g in 100g of water.The density of the solution is 1.3g/ml.What is the w/v percentage of potassium chloride in the solution
Step-1: Let volume of the solution be V ml which contains 34.7gm of KCL and 100gm of water ?
Step-2: Density= (34.7+100)/V = 1.3gm/ml
Step-4:V=134.7/1.3 ml=103.61ml
Step-5:%w/v=mass of KCl in 100 ml of solution
Step-6:103.61 ml of KCL contains 34.7 g of KCl 
Step-7:100ml of KCL contains=34.7/103.61x100=33.49gm/100 ml 

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