Thursday 5 November 2015

Why we see idols in the temple?

Why we see idols in the temple!
   -Once upon a time, a group of people wanted to share their sin in between themselves. It was hurting the inner-self  badly!  Difficult to sleep with so much  sin. But none agreed. They carried it to their group leader. The leader ordered to  offer it to GOD. The leader also accompanied them. Everybody was very sure only God can excuse and reduce it to portable size that would no more  hurt . So everybody put their visible and invisible sins into their own big big gunny bags. So did the leader. They all approached towards temple. Until then God was very much in flesh and blood,walking and talking. The gate keeper in the temple informed God about this. God requested the devotes in the temple to find suitable place to accommodate all the sins. The devotes reported that there is not space  enough inside . Everywhere in the temple was filled with virtues. God was thinking what to do! People with sin and their GOD became restless! Before  God could sort out, GOD and devotes in the temple campus were buried in the mud of sin.The mob poured strait those sins on the head of GOD and devotes! GOD and devotes failed to  pull them out of the  pond of sin. The effect of those sins were the worst! God and his devotes could not breath .They died.People returned happily. The effect of those worst sins changed GOD and devotes into  idols of stone and metals overnight. Since then, neither God nor his devotes have got back their lives. None again has seen walking GOD.
Moral of the story: There is none in the world who will be able to carry your sin.

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