Wednesday 20 April 2016

Sixteen headings of a good curriculum vitae

1. Tertiary education
2. Honours and awards
3. Employment
4. Current role and responsibilities
5. Academic committees
6. Professional committees
7. Teaching experience
8. Theses examined
9. Commercial/industry collaboration
10. Academic management/leadership courses attended
11. Editorial responsibilities
12. Referee for
  • Manuscripts:
  • Research grant applications:
  • Professorial promotions/appointments

13. Research grants received
14. Presentations at international scientific meetings
15. Presentations at national meetings
16. Publications
  • Books
  • Book chapters
  • Refereed journals
  • 4.Refereed conference publications
  • Publications in the lay press (newspapers, magazines)
  • or scientific magazines
  • Abstracts, letters to the editor or conference proceedings

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