Friday 2 March 2018


The impact factor
 for a particular journal is calculated by taking the number of manuscripts published in the journal over the past two years, and then dividing this number by the number of citations these specific manuscripts received over the same two-year period.

This is the value at which x number of manuscripts received x number of citations, with x being used here twice to denote equivalence. Thus, an Hindex of 5 would mean that an individual has 5 publications that have been cited at least 5 times. As this number increases, this implies that the individual is amassing more publications with increasing number of citations. Thus, the H-index allows for taking into account the number of citations, as well as the number of publications in a single metric. But amassing citations for a publication, and publishing new manuscripts, takes times. The H-index, therefore, self-evidently increases with years of experience.

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