Tuesday 14 August 2018

The Kingfisher and the famous Gandamunda nala

If you zoom a little ,you can see the kingfisher is waiting to catch a fish .I have watched her from dawn to darkness ,it never even once dived into the famous Gandamunda nala !The poor little is blind or there are no fishes in the nala?What a tragedy !We use so much pesticides ,so much soaps ,polythene and toxic exhausts from malls , shops , hotels and industrial exhausts have poisoned the water completely,who will thrive at this level of intense water pollution .You can just forget the survival of tiny fishes which can be swallowed by kingfisher .Even crow,being a clever bird does not drink this water .The crows drink water from small bucket which I keep for them in small garden on my terrace.Currently ,the human race is so busy ,neither understand its protection nor the protection of any other species on earth.What a pity!

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