Sunday 15 July 2018

The two left out

Two people shared the left out inches on either side of a auto driver from Alu Gadi .Auto's small small wheels rolled on the smooth NH-5.The 5yrs-old Bajaj auto crawled like a snake toy for a distance of 4 and 1/2 a kilometers.Red light stopped the auto at Khandagiri Traffic.Both the passengers by the side of auto driver got down.Each extended 10 rupees after a lot of struggle to find change .Green Traffic light signaled. Auto driver only took 10 rupees from one person and requested the both the passengers to equally share the other new 10 rupees by PM Modi .Traffic light went on repeating cycles of red and green ,Both the passengers had no change .They were stuck up on side of the road because they could not decide who would be happy to sacrifice five rupees or who would be happy with extra five rupees along with.I was enjoying this at close distance :The conflict between science(What is practically feasible ) and conscience(what is worth doing as a true human ) was like 4D movie clip .Mobile ring from my house disrupted my attention. I left for lunch .I could not see the verdict .Please answer quickly what you could have done because it was lunch time ,raining slightly and either had no change .

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