Sunday 15 July 2018

There happened a competition

It is true and novel.There happened a competition.The conspirators slept happily before night because they could convinced the jury.The jury was bribed so much ,in the dark of night ,neither he/she could see nor could carry all .The Jury also found both his/her below knees were soiled with saliva because of multiple licks. Everything became visible day light .The exhibition ground roared .The competition took place.The true runner-up was awarded. The result shocked the public . The medal was quite large and disproportionate to the body size of runner-up.Along with medal ,a certificate was also given .The claps were from the jury and conspirators .Exhibition ground was locked by security after ensuring that everyone including the winner and the looser were out.Public found the pseudo winner was not able to carry the medal because of it's Himalayan size and was also struggling to carry the certificate at the same time .The murmur from the public whispered to the jury by the conspirators that the elected winner of the day was incapable able to carry the the huge medal and the certificate .The jury ordered the looser to carry the medal to the house of winner .This happened recently and the true story is shared in the cause of public interest.

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